P3: Prayer - Passion - Purpose
P3: Prayer - Passion - Purpose
Revelation - Reverse The Curse
As we begin to look at the details of the Millennial Kingdom, you will notice that in Revelation 20:6-7 there is only mention of before and after. The entire 1,000 years lies between those 2 verses. However, we can find details on the Kingdom in the Old Testament and the New Testament. They are spread out from Genesis to Malachi, and in the New Testament it is mentioned 160 times (125 in the gospels alone). The truth is the Bible speaks extensively about the coming Kingdom. In the O.T. it is a major theme...second only to the Messiah.
Jesus talked of entering the kingdom, living in the kingdom, ruling in the kingdom, and having an inheritance in the kingdom. Ironically, many people have a limited understanding of the Millennial Kingdom…largely based on a "hallmark theology". This is our future, our inheritance, our reward…why would we not want to truly understand it? Maybe you are not sure where to look. My goal is to help shed some light on the awesomeness of what is our inheritance. Let’s jump in and see what scripture says about the Millennial Kingdom…
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