P3: Prayer - Passion - Purpose

Revelation - Preparing For The Kingdom

Jason Davis Season 2 Episode 34

Upon Jesus’s return the temple stands unclean, and the abomination of desolation (which is the image or statue of the beast) is still in the temple. The temple must be cleansed if Jesus is to enter it and make it the center of life for the kingdom. In addition to all the destruction of the judgements, there is a massive amount of dead bodies everywhere due to the final battle. So, before the kingdom can officially begin there is a time preparing…or should I say repairing the earth…and cleansing the temple. Also, during this time certain groups will be given their new eternal bodies, the sheep and goats will be separated, and the first judgement…known as the judgement seat of Christ. When does all this happen? Daniel tells us there is a 75 day period between the end of tribulation and the start of the Millennial Kingdom. It is during this time that preparations are made so the Kingdom of Christ can officially begin. There is much to discuss so let’s get started…

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